MyWaste.ie set a challenge in October to unearth the imagination within and create something new out of something old…to breathe new life into an old or unwanted item or material. Our TY Global Citizenship class has been working on a variety of projects.
Photo 1: Oisin Noonan, Ben Cremin, Dylan Matthews and Rian O’Reilly – using old clothes that were not in good enough condition to be donated to charity they made a small rug/wall hanging.
Photo 2: Conan O’Sullivan, James Good, Danny Hickey – using unwanted/broken tiles they made a large decorative mosaic tile
Photo 3: Decky Copps and Billy Murphy – using an old stool they are in the process of designing and making a perpetual trophy for the upcoming schools debating competition centered on topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Photo 4: Jake O’Connell, Regan Kouevi, Ed Mohoroe – using old magazines and a reclaimed mirror they created a spiral design which will give new life to the piece.