On Thursday the 21st of October, the Patrician Academy TY GAA Future Leaders classes held a coffee morning in the Garden at the Hibernian Hotel. This occasion would complete a module task we were assigned to do as part of our ‘Future Leaders Journey’. All monies raised went towards Marymount Hospice, which is an amazing cause. We want to thank our friends in the Hibernian Hotel for the opportunity to use their amazing facility for the event and for providing all the necessities to run such a successful coffee morning. They helped us throughout the morning and without them none of this would have been possible. As students we all put in a big effort to support the wonderful charity and as always to represent the Patrician Academy in an appropriate manner. While it was chilly, the sun shone all morning and this helped the success of the event. We raised over €2,000 thanks to the generosity of everyone who donated on the day. We wish to thank you for your kindness and support and we hope you enjoyed your brew! Bewleys deserve a special mention for sponsoring the tea and coffee for this event. It was fantastic to see so many local business people and members of the community support us so generously with their significant donations. We received buns and cakes and some brilliant raffle prizes for the coffee morning. It’s important to thank our teachers who helped with the organisation, especially our GAA Future Leaders teachers Mr. Glynn and Mr. O’ Connor who did fantastic work behind the scenes to help make this happen. As a student this was a wonderful experience and an enjoyable day was had by all.
By Colm Hannon – TY GAA Future Leaders Student at Patrician Academy.