Kevin O Callaghan is a 6th Class pupil from Dromahane, Mallow. He is the younger brother of Patrician academy TY pupil Jason.
Kevin and his family were in France on a holiday at Disney land when he had a bad fall and was very seriously injured. He has had surgery and although out of danger, he has a very long road ahead for his rehab to try and regain as much physical function as possible and time is of the essence.
After a long journey today Kevin arrived back on Irish soil and was admitted to Temple St. Children’s Hospital Dublin for the next stage of his acute rehab before he will need ongoing intensive Rehab in a specialist unit, a place yet to be found.
Kevin is one of 8 children and his parents are trying hard to juggle work and family while being with Kevin for his inpatient rehab stay. The O’Callaghans will also need to make structural changes to their home in order to eventually bring Kevin home.
Please contribute whatever you can to support Kevin and his family. Donations however big or small will all be gratefully received and share it please where you can.
Thanking you all in advance.
Here is the go fundme link: https://gofund.me/2be49469
Everyone at the Patrician academy wishes Kevin and his family all the best.