All roads lead to Banteer tomorrow for the final of the u16 Tim Kelly Cork Cup Final. Ko 12pm. Adults €5 students €2. The lads go for back to back cork titles. Any support would be greatly appreciated.
5km run and walk!
Results are in. William Stokes pipped Mr Glynn at the post in the annual 5km run. Extra sprinkles on the ice cream for William.
More pictures from Ballyhass!
The students of Cuan, Resource 1and Naomh Padraig gave had a busy week. Yesterday (Thursday) the enjoyed an activity filled day in Ballyhass. Today (Friday) they enjoyed a visit to Mallow Garda Station where they nearly got locked up!
Ballyhass trip!
Great craic was had yesterday at the Ballyhass trip for SEN classes.
Save our water poster competition!
Some of the winners in the save our water competition. 1st Paul Kelly, 2nd Jamie Barry, 3rd Darragh Goulding 4th Pheilim Buckley.
Student v Teacher Soccer Match
The annual student v teacher soccer match happened Tuesday as part of wellbeing week. The teachers managed to get an impressive draw in the end with their last goal counting treble.
Farm Saftey
Staff and students got into the correct attire to promote our farm safety project with the YSI class.
TY students & Tidy towns
TY students got their hands dirty and helped out with some weeding outside the school gate in conjunction with tiday towns.
Monster Raffle – support two students on their international journey
Monster Raffle Please support two of our students, Charlie Casey & Conor Carroll as they prepare for an international basketball tournament in Barcelona. Your support would be greatly appreciated from the boys and their families. Tickets on sale at breaktimes in Monastery Hall over the next week. If your not in you can’t win!!