Bebras Challenge

Bebras Challenge

Well done to a few of our TY IT students who took part in the Berbas International Computing Challenge for schools last week. This challenge introduces computational thinking to students and involves solving interactive tasks online. It is run in over 50 countries. Thanks to Ms O’Brien-Kelly for facilitating.

BT Young Scientists

BT Young Scientists

Congratulations to second year students Hugh Ahern, Conor McCarthy, William Ahern and Eoin Dineen on qualifying to compete at the Virtual BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition from the 6th to the 8th of January 2021. Hugh and Conors project is entitled ‘An Investigation Into How People Aged 13 To 17 Get Their News, Their …

School Mag 2020

School Mag 2020

Attached is a link to this years rather different School Magazine. Full credit must go to Mr Stokes for putting it together and the super TY team who gathered pictures and articles which was particularly challenging considering we were not in school. I think you’ll agree that they have done a great job. Wishing everyone …